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Nano Iron

Nano Iron is effective in low doses and has no unpleasant side effects like other iron supplements. Nano iIron is free of excipients and is therefore 100% pure!

What is Nano Iron?

The difference between Nano Iron and other iron supplements is that Nano Iron really contains only iron, in elemental form. Elemental simply means that the iron is not bound to any other substance. Bound iron forms are iron sulphate, iron fumarate and iron gluconate. Iron sulphate is the cheapest form of iron and is very poorly absorbed by the intestines.

Iron fumarate is slightly better, but absorption is still not optimal. The well-known iron pills can contain both forms. However, there are major drawbacks to this, which almost every user will recognise. These include nausea, black stools and constipation. The iron that is not absorbed and thus remains in the intestines causes all sorts of unpleasant symptoms there.

In addition, the residual iron affects the good gut bacteria, causing your gut flora to become unbalanced, which can cause a range of health problems. Additionally, candida yeast just loves iron. It feeds on it and thus can cause all kinds of candida complaints.

Iron gluconate is known as a more absorbable form. The existing liquid irons contain iron fumarate and iron gluconate. There are fewer side effects than with iron pills, but they still occur.

Nano Iron can be absorbed into the bloodstream directly from the mouth, making it work faster then any other form of iron!

Indicaties voor gebruik

  • Chest pain (caused by narrowed coronary arteries)
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Concentration problems
  • Cracked lips and corners of the mouth (vitamin B2 deficiency)
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Eating disorders
  • Exhaustion
  • Fatigue, physical and mental
  • Hair loss
  • Headaches
  • Heart palpitations
  • Heavy menstruation
  • High blood pressure
  • High coffee and tea intake
  • Plant-based diets
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle weakness
  • Overall malaise
  • Oxygen deficiency
  • Paleness
  • Pregnancy and lactation
  • Prolonged vomiting
  • Reduced sports performance
  • Restless legs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Surgery
  • Tinnitus

Why iron is important to the body

Iron is critical for the uptake and transport of oxygen to organs and tissues and the removal and release of carbon dioxide. Iron is also a building block of a number of enzymes such as catalase and cytochrome. These enzymes have a function in the regulation of metabolism. Cells need iron for DNA production and in this way iron supports normal growth and development. Moreover, iron is indispensable for the production of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. Reduced iron status increases susceptibility to inflammation.

"80% of the world's population is iron deficient and 30% is anemic."

A (slight) iron deficiency can easily occur. According to the WHO, as much as 80% of the world’s total population is mildly iron deficient. This is due in part to inadequate nutrition, heavy blood loss, “iron robbers” and inflammation. Plant-based iron is difficult to absorb. The pH value also affects this. The fact that iron is a pro-oxidant further complicates absorption when there is an antioxidant deficiency.

Different types and forms of iron

Heme iron, also called ferrous iron, divalent iron or animal iron (Fe2+).

Non-heme iron, also called ferric iron, trivalent or vegetable iron (Fe3+).

Heme iron is better absorbed than non-heme iron, although vitamin C may increase plant-based iron absorption. Vitamins A, B2, B12 and folic acid promote healthy haemoglobin levels and vitamin D and magnesium also seem to be influential. According to the World Health Organization, 80% of the population has mild iron deficiency or lowered iron levels, and 30% is actually anaemic due to iron deficiency. Most iron supplements consist of iron salts such as fumarate and sulphate. These often also cause dizziness, disrupted intestinal flora and a metallic taste in the mouth.

There are also milder forms such as bisglycinate that usually do not have these side effects.

Nano Iron is elemental, i.e. not bound to any other substance. It has no known adverse properties AND it is absorbed much faster. You also need less of it for the same effect. The effective dose of Nano Iron is around 0.8 mg.

Good sources of iron from food

Iron is found in the diet mainly in red meat, fish and poultry. Another less absorbable form of iron is found in beans, dried fruits, cereal products and green leafy vegetables, among others. Goji berries are also high in iron as well as in vitamins C, B2, B12, folic acid (B11) and antioxidants: a nice complete package for effective iron absorption. 

What are high-risk groups for iron deficiency?

In our Western society, the following populations are at increased risk: children, menstruating, pregnant and lactating women, athletes, the elderly, people with digestive problems and those on a vegetarian or vegan diet.


During periods of growth and development, children have an increased need for iron. Iron deficiency in children is much more common than you think. This can cause complaints such as:

  • Fatigue
  • Listlessness
  • Paleness
  • Sensitivity to cold
  • Reduced inflammation.
  • Susceptibility to inflammation.

During menstruation, women lose iron, the amount depending on how much blood is lost. This may cause iron deficiency. Girls at the age of puberty are especially vulnerable because they are also growing. Postmenopausal women are significantly less likely to be deficient.

From the second trimester of pregnancy, there is an increased need for iron because a pregnant woman produces about 2 litres more blood. Extra iron is also needed for the production of the placenta and for proper development of the unborn child’s nervous system. Women lose blood to varying degrees during childbirth, but a miscarriage or curettage can also cause a lot of blood loss.

Breast milk has as its base the mother’s blood. When a woman is breastfeeding, the iron present is first made available to the baby. 

Athletes in general and endurance athletes in particular use a lot of oxygen to burn sugars and proteins in the muscles, providing the energy they need. As a result, more iron is consumed and the requirement is higher. In addition, iron is lost through sweat and urine. 

People with plant-based diets are at higher risk of iron deficiency. A daily vitamin C supplement is also recommended because the levels of vitamin C in fruits and vegetables are much lower than generally believed. 

Iron from food and the majority of existing iron supplements need proper functioning of the stomach and a healthy lining of the intestines to be absorbed into the body. This is what many people lack, due for instance to leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, peptic ulcer, antacids use, gluten intolerance and coeliac disease, Crohn’s disease and other chronic intestinal conditions. But a deficiency also often occurs as a result of acute infections and other chronic conditions. 

Elderly people are less able to absorb iron from food. This is mainly due to impaired gastrointestinal function and because they often take antacids. Certain medications (especially NSAIDs) cause daily blood loss through the stool and thus may cause deficiency. Consequences of iron deficiency may include:

  • Muscle weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Increased tendency to fall
  • Cognitive disorders
  • Increased risk of degenerative brain diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease


*Please note! In the elderly, administration of a high-dose iron supplement can lead to iron accumulation in the liver. Nano Iron is dosed many times lower, making it a safe alternative.

No side effects of Nano Iron

Because Nano Iron is elemental, when used correctly it does not need to pass through the stomach and intestines. It is absorbed directly into the mouth, where it can enter the bloodstream and cells at lightning speed. The ultra-small iron particles have a bioavailability of 100%, so you need much less of it. So no nasty side effects and no risk of stacking!

Nano Iron has ultra fast action

Women often feel a big difference after only a few days. Doctors are sometimes really amazed at the rapid increase in iron levels. Because Nano Iron works so quickly, you can also take it for short periods of time, unlike other liquid supplements that require a minimum of 4 weeks of use.

Thus, fatigue symptoms, dizziness and concentration problems due to iron deficiency are resolved much faster without unpleasant side effects. Obstetricians use nano iron effectively for pregnant women and women who have given birth and have lost a lot of blood, and after a miscarriage or curettage. Nano Iron does not contain any excipients. It consists only of pure water and minuscule and pure iron particles.

Liquid iron preparations may contain preservatives, such as potassium sorbate (which can cause asthma, hives, nasal colds and intestinal disorders, among other side effects). These preparations may also contain gluten.

Nano Iron for anaemia

What is anaemia?

Anaemia is derived from the Greek word meaning “lack of blood”. Anaemia occurs when there are too few red blood cells, or when the red blood cells do not work properly. Thus, in anaemia, there is not too little blood but an insufficient quality of blood. Anaemia can cause severe fatigue and a feeling of weakness, dizziness, the feeling of fainting, palpitations, excessive sweating, headaches and tinnitus, hair loss, pallor and cold limbs. All red blood cells contain haemoglobin (Hb). Haemoglobin is an iron-containing protein that provides oxygen to the organs. Haemoglobin fills 1/3 of red blood cells.

Each haemoglobin protein consists of 4 protein chains, each containing an iron ion. (An ion is an atom missing an electron that makes it active.) By means of the iron ion, it can attach to oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). Thus, by being transported in red blood cells, haemoglobin can take up oxygen in the lungs and deliver it to the blood and organs. There it absorbs carbon dioxide, which in turn is delivered to the lungs where it is exhaled. Muscles (including the heart) contain myoglobin, a substance related to haemoglobin that maintains the oxygen supply in muscles. Myoglobin contains one iron ion. There are approximately 270 million haemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell, each of which requires 4 iron ions. Iron is thus very important for the proper functioning of haemoglobin, as well as myoglobin. The total content of iron in the body is about 4 grams.

What causes anaemia?

The main and most common causes are: increased blood loss and/or iron deficiency. Increased blood loss can result from chronic inflammation or chronic or acute blood loss. A serious accident, surgery, childbirth or heavy menstruation are obvious causes. But (internal) haemorrhoids, worm infections, helicobacter pylori, gastritis or tumours in the gastrointestinal tract may also lead to anaemia. In these conditions, small amounts of blood constantly leak into the stool, sometimes even unnoticed.

Iron deficiency also increases the body’s susceptibility to inflammation. A diet low in iron or a deficiency in vitamins that affect iron absorption, such as vitamin B12, can also promote anaemia. Iron-rich foods include red meat, fish and poultry.  Other less absorbable sources include beans, dried fruits, cereal products and leafy vegetables. Especially with plant sources, it is helpful to take vitamin C to promote iron absorption. Vitamin B2 is needed to absorb iron into the haemoglobin. A British study showed that 90% of teenage girls with anaemia were deficient in vitamin B2. Vitamin A helps mobilise iron stored in tissues.

In a study of 554 subjects with reduced vitamin D levels (< 75 nm/l), 49% of the subjects were also found to have too low Hb levels. How these conditions are related is still unclear, but the result is striking. It is possible that magnesium plays a role involved in both vitamin D and iron absorption.

Impaired intestinal flora or coeliac disease can reduce proper absorption of iron and other nutrients, which can also cause anaemia. These forms of anaemia are also called iron deficiency anaemia. Measuring blood values to correctly diagnose anaemia is not easy. Therefore, when measuring blood values, several factors are looked at, such as: Hb levels, serum ferritin (SeFe) levels, ferritin levels and CMV (cytomegalovirus). It is believed that the body requires about 4 grams of iron, most of which is in the haemoglobin.

In men, haemoglobin (Hb) levels average 10 mmol/l (16g/100 ml) and in women 8.5 mmol/l (13.5 g/100 ml). Lower levels usually indicate iron deficiency anaemia. Mean corpuscular volume, or MCV, represents the average volume of erythrocytes, or red blood cells, in the blood. A reduced Hb level with normal-sized red blood cells is normocytic anaemia, usually indicating incipient iron deficiency anaemia. Reduced-sized red blood cells, microcytic anaemia, with reduced Hb levels are usually a result of advanced iron deficiency anaemia.

Ferritin is a protein that provides iron binding when stored in the liver and bone marrow. There is always a small amount of ferritin in the blood as a reserve supply of iron.

Anaemia occurs when there is almost no ferritin left, therefore low ferritin levels may be indicative of iron deficiency anaemia. A ferritin level of between 20 and 250 micrograms per litre (μg/L) in men and between 20 and 100 μg/L in women is considered normal. Diagnosis of iron deficiency anaemia will therefore require measurement of haemoglobin, iron, MCV, transferrin (the protein that transports iron) and the status of vitamins B2, B12 and folic acid in addition to ferritin and perhaps vitamin D status.

Suggested use of Nano Iron

It is recommended to take Nano Iron between meals. In fact, iron from food and supplements easily binds to substances in coffee, tea (black, green, or rooibos), cereals and dairy (tannic acid, phytic acid and calcium). This can also cause a deficiency or prevent a supplement from working. Vitamin C promotes iron absorption, as do vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin A and vitamin B2. Nano Iron is absorbed directly into the mucous membrane of the mouth, making it much less likely to bind with other nutrients, but that may still happen if iron intake is during or just before/after meals.

30 ml (3 tablespoons) daily; take between meals, in an empty mouth. Hold in the mouth for 1 minute before swallowing. In cases of severe fatigue due to iron deficiency (iron deficiency anaemia), heavy menstruation or blood loss from an accident or surgery, the dose may be temporarily increased to 60 or 90 ml daily.

Standard dosage: 15 ml daily.

Age 0 – 2: 5 ml (1 teaspoon) daily.

Age 2 – 6: 10-20 ml (1 to 2 tablespoons) daily.

Age 6 – 12: 20-30 ml (2 to 3 tablespoons) daily

If deficient: 30-60 ml daily (3 to 6 tablespoons), divided between 2-3 doses during the day, between meals. At 60 ml per day, the deficiency will be eliminated more quickly.

Maintenance dosage (preventive): 15 ml daily.

Where can you buy nano iron?

When purchasing nano iron pay attention to the following:

  • Particle size, preferably below 10 nm.
  • Strength, preferably 25 ppm.
  • Inquire about the zeta potential, which relates to strength and stability. It should be at least 40 mv.
  • Packaging material, preferably dark violet glass; this preserves best.
  • It should be virtually odourless, colourless and flavourless.
  • Produced with pure water.
  • Shape of particles, if known. Preferably round/circular.

Learn more about nNano iIron. Watch the webinar on Nano Iron here
